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Photo Assembly # 1

Date & Time:




Sunday, August 29 2021, (17:00-indefinitely)
The meeting was held via Zoom
Free Choice
Due to the restrictions imposed on movement and outings by the current pandemic the theme for this and future meetings will remain as "free choice" for the time being. Members are requested to provide up to 5 photos for inclusion in the discussion presentation prior to the meeting. If anyone is interested in joining this meeting as a guest or the Photo Club as a member, please contact Jess King.
In attendance were:
Jess King (Moderator)
CA Edington
Terry Riggins
Nobuaki Otsuki

We had a nice discussion of the photos from everyone then Jess went into topics concerning the use of a star filter, capturing reflections, and cropping. The photos used for these topics will also be posted. Nobu-San expanded upon his request that his pictures temporarily not be posted on the HMSC website because of restrictions from his joining Nikon Photo Club and their restrictions on members entering photo contests posting any of their pictures. Doing so will cause them to be disqualified. I have removed his current photos from the recent postins at his request. All photos will now be watermarked prior to posting, and members can choose which/any of the photos not to be posted. I will verify the desires of each member present prior to ending the meeting.
Check out the Photo Gallery for some photos shown and discussed during the event.
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